Audion Sterling EL34 電路驗証筆記
Audion Sterling EL34電路(6922-5687-EL34版本)驗証筆記 來源
KT88單聲道維修,LOOKy老師提到「相同的是0.33UF和1000歐的輸入電阻,柵級電阻為1M歐姆,輸出到SRPP的推動級」。查証後認為這一段應該是只適用KT88 單聲道版本。 來源
KT88單聲道維修,LOOK老師提到「而且兩支KT88並聯電流140mA,這幾乎已經是鐵芯的極限,並且最低音功率將會大大減低,10khz時的組抗為4761歐 (5K的OPT或 4.8K),KT88單聲道 輸出變壓器溫度31.4度,因為有高達140MA電流通過,電路架構為6922第一支管為緩衝隨偶器,第二級放大送入5687組成的SRPP作為放大推動級,透過0.33uF交聯到EL34輸出管, 兩隻管的輸出變壓器組抗為4.3K,於16歐姆輸出端透過8.65K和130歐作負回授,以控制整體的放大率和失真率,整體來說聽人聲還不錯。以這機器來說使用KT88會比EL34好些,耐用度長一點,因為使用EL34的管子,屏耗已經達到極限。」 所以說這一段描述雖然EL34也可以用,但不是最適用於EL34的版本。而且本次要驗証的是6922-5687-EL34版本。 來源(6922-5687-EL34版本)
提到: 1、5687屏極電阻47K,遠大於常見的5687前級負載5~20K? 2、5687陰極電阻沒有參數,柵負壓取多少合適,-3V、-4V? 3、EL34陰極電阻510歐,是不是太大了?
A: 5687陰極電阻是110歐 棕棕黑棕棕(依色碼是1100?),今天剛好接修了一台 A:5687漏畫了一隻柵漏電阻,屏極電阻47K的確大了,用20K應該可以了,驅動電壓過大也不好。驅動電壓過大,5687輸出正半周時候,超過EL34偏壓值,會在柵極產生由柵極到陰極的電流,耦合電容被充電到正電壓,但是負半周時候,因為EL34柵極是負偏,並不會放電,所以EL34柵極此時仍是正電壓,不會跟隨耦合電容信號向負半周移動,造成一兩秒的聲音停頓。 來源(內部圖) 來源
Pentode mode is usually done like you say, with a few additions. If you apply 410 volts to the plate you should adjust the bias such that the plate current is about 60 mA (25 watts as mentioned), then with 410 on the screen grid (usually through a small resistor) measure the screen current (by checking the voltage across the resistor) and compute the screen dissipation.
就是說在25W 偏流大約-> 60MA。
極限功放版本時,PT用AC 370v 大於200MA ,6V大於3A 來源 (提供修改的方案)
The AUDION Sterling EL34
This AUDION was a jewel legacy of my best friend in Bandung city. Read its << short review >>
Extensive customizations were done to get its maximum potential out of this charming amp , amongst them :
# Speaker binding posts replaced with Cardas bindings
# All original coupling caps were replaced with MBM PIO 0.25uF/500V
# All signal resistors changed to Riken Gold
# The electrolytic power-supply caps were replaced with RIFA 250uF/400V
# Powersupply Sprague 20uF/500V installed, and a mix of Blackgates series for
the anode and cathode caps
# PIO Bypass caps 0.1uF/0.25uF and 4uF were installed at power-supply caps
驗証版本(6922-5687-EL34版本電路是否正確) 來源 致力音響