
目前顯示的是 3月, 2022的文章

ADCOM GFA 5400 兩聲道後級筆記

 ADCOM GFA 5400 兩聲道後級 去年買的一款高CP比後級,據說是由PASS大師設計的放大機。 整理一下相關資料,跟據引自以下網頁的說明 http://www.users.interport.net/a/d/adcom/gfa5400.html The GFA 5400 replaces the GFA 545II and offers many of the same design features and sonic attributes of the enthusiastically received GFA 5800 and GFA 5500. The specifications should adequately describe all the pertinent information, including the increased power output into 8 and 4 ohms over the GFA 545II. As the 4 ohm power indicates, the current capability of the GFA 5400 has been substantially increased. The improvements are clearly audible with virtually all loudspeaker systems and will be apprecaited by all who will use multiple 5400s in home thaeater systems. With a 33% increase in power at 4 ohms, you might expect a substantial price increase. No way. In order to offer increased value, the suggested retail price will increase less than 10% (over the GFA 545II) to only $679.95. GFA 5400 是 GFA 545II 的後續機種。聲音特質同 GFA 5800 及 GFA 5500,有著比GFA 545II更大的電流量。在 4