Apogee UV 22 HR 相關技術筆記

 Apogee UV 22 HR 技術筆記

 UV 22 HR 技術,這是Apogee 開發出來的技術,利用一個 Noise抖動小電平的 Noise讓數位的聽起來很像類比。這個技術有 Normal -66DB或Heavy -60 DB 可選,這應該是類似Dither 的作用,用一個很小的 Level Noise,讓數位的音樂聽起來很像類比的聲音。


Apogee UV 22 HR 技術:



Logic self-dithers and you shouldn't hesistate bouncing a 24 bit WAV file without any dithering/noise shaping and send it to your label. It's all highly theoretical since dithering or not, accumulative or not - at this level it means diddly squat.

POW-r#1 is not TDPF (flat dither) and it's not noise shaping, but rather colored dither. It's a bit noisier to my ears than #3 but the frequency shaping is also different - a matter of taste.

POW-r#2 and #3 are noise shapers. I often use POW-r#3 when I quantize to 16 bit because it has the best overall optimization of the three types. The shaping can very slightly accentuate the the sibilance area, so that's why I sometimes go for #1 instead. This change isn't directly proportional to the frequency shaping but rather a very minor side effect.

For some reason the implementation of POW-r#2 in Logic is not as good as in the Weiss hardware when I listened to A/B tests. This seems to coincide with the fact that I never use #2.

Listening at normal levels in a living room or even in a studio you probably can't tell any of these types of dither apart or notice any noise or side effects.

Truncating to 16 bit sounds like a small midrange accentuation to me and of course there can be noticable distortion. It can actually sound good in some cases, but I'd rather achieve that sound by other means during the mastering phase than letting it happen by chance during quantization.

「降噪」技術: 引用






Acoustic Revive 產品頁面引用https://tw.bid.yahoo.com/item/%E3%80%90%E9%9F%B3%E9%80%B8%E9%9F%B3%E9%9F%BF%E3%80%91%E8%88%92%E6%9B%BC%E6%B3%A2-%E6%A5%B5%E4%BD%8E%E9%A0%BB-%E8%B6%85%E4%BD%8E%E9%A0%BB%E8%84%88%E8%A1%9D-%E7%94%A2%E7%94%9F%E5%99%A8%E3%80%8B%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC-100289928908

極低頻脈衝產生器(Ultra low-frequency pulse generator)依據德國物理學家 W.O.Schumann發表的舒曼諧振波原理設計出來的產品在1954年發現地表與電離層間有一個共振頻率,早已長久存在於天地之間,因此所有生命與萬物一直在這個頻率下活著,但如今許多電磁波與無線電波的干擾,這個稱之為「舒曼共振」的頻率已被破壞,進而也影響到人體的感受,而這個頻率大約就是7.83Hz。它會產生一個 7.83Hz 的極低頻,人耳聽不見,但卻可以提音樂的整體表現,甚至改善影像設備的畫面品質。放鬆身心,更能聆聽出聲音的細節,提高S/N比,甚至可以減低聆聽空間中的駐波。

Acoustic Revive 原廠網頁說明:

將您的聽音室變成一個充滿空氣的清晰聲場,重現了一個釋放所有樂器的真實舞台。這些效果已經得到表演者和錄音工程師的認可,並用於錄音場地、混音室、母帶室等。對圖像有效 提高了投影機的焦距!對於 三槍投影機、DLP 和 LCD 等投影儀也非常有效。通過使用,圖像的焦點肯定會增加。


將主機安裝在房間內盡可能高的地方,1.5米(公尺) 或更高。在較低的位置效果會較弱,因此請僅確保高度。只要你能確保放置的高度,放在哪裡都沒有關係。




轉貼: 談談自己用過的一些運放
